10 Annoying Video Game Enemies WHO STOLE YOUR ITEMS!

6. Dwarf - King's Quest I: Quest For The Crown

Klepto The Condor
Sierra Entertainment

In true King's Quest fashion, the dwarves you come across are a surefire way to have your game solidly - and permanently - ruined.

That's because he will steal whatever treasure you have on you, which can often be stuff that you need in order to win the game, which takes it from the realms of "whimsical rascally behaviour" into "actually incredibly frustrating and legitimately game breaking" territory.

And so, instead of an entertaining little side avoidance, dodging this guy becomes one of the most important parts of your game - because if you mess it up, you're going to need to either go back to whenever you last saved, or start the entire game all over again.

Some would say this makes him the real villain of the game - but then, comparing him to any of the other awful fates you can fall to in the game, he suddenly doesn't seem so bad.


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