10 Annoying Video Game Enemies WHO STOLE YOUR ITEMS!

7. Pluck - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity

Klepto The Condor

Proving that everyone in Pokémon is on some level a criminal, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon sees a rehash of these loveable critters stealing everything you ever loved from you with a precious smile on their face.

If you get hit by the move Pluck in the course of the game, you'll note this lets the attacking Pokémon steal any random edible item from you.

So, what's the big deal? Well, berries are way more important in the Mystery Dungeon, because they can both fully heal you when you need it, and also bring you back to life after dying, in the case of the ever-valuable Reviver Seeds.

Which take work to get, meaning that when a cheeky Swanna grabs one, you're very much annoyed. If you're in a place with a ton of creature who can use Pluck, this gets even worse, as they can fritter your supplies down to absolutely nothing - just before you reach the boss of the stage!


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