10 Anticipated Video Games That Have Probably Been Cancelled

8. Deep Down

Deep Down

Remember this?

Once shown off as a continuation of the Souls formula that would be PlayStation-exclusive, Capcom's fancy fire effect-laden dungeon crawler certainly looked the part, but hasn't been seen since 2013.

Interestingly, Capcom renewed the patent in February 2017, but again, they've neglected to show anything in the way of new trailers or gameplay. That marked the fifth time Capcom renewed the trademark for themselves, with nothing but pure speculation propping up the game's reputation.

The Dark Souls bubble has been and gone at this point, and though FromSoftware's influence can be felt everywhere from Assassin's Creed to Absolver, The Surge to God of War's reboot, this game's window of appeal-through-replication is long gone.

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