10 Archetypes That Built Gaming

2. The Sidekick

Being a sidekick isn€™t easy; you€™re often hated, mocked or - if interactive - beaten and killed over and over again. The sidekick was an obvious addition to a game, they would provide comic relief, or aide and sometimes, in the case of that infuriating dog in Duck Hunt, just mockery. They came in all forms depending on the game, usually to renew or provide a new mechanism to a tired formula as in the Resident Evil 5 when they cursed you with the inept Sheva. Sometimes they were passive observers, other times playable, but it's a role that has become more prominent over the years. From the days of sidekicks like Sonic 2's Tails, who would do little more than follow you around, to modern masterpieces like Bioshock Infinite where Elizabeth not only follows you around, but provides narrative catalysts and exposition, it was clear that games thrived with an ally. There's been no end to the sidekicks, those some people would sooner forget like Earthworm Jim's Peter Puppy, or others like Mario World's Yoshi who become such firm fan favourites they end up with their own games and merchandise, they are here to stay.
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Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.