10 Awesome 2019 Video Games You Can Beat In One Sitting
Some of the year's most memorable experiences don't take weeks to complete.

There comes a time in our gaming lives when we have to admit... that we don't have all the time in the world anymore.
Whether we have exams, full-time jobs, young children or other interests, we are all busy people with important lives to lead. This can make keeping on top of video games rather tricky.
Games are seemingly getting bigger in every way. Stories have become daring and spectacular, mechanics more intense and skilful, environments more beautiful and expanding.
This has the knock-on effect of making every title that much longer. But with our ever-expanding list of responsibilities, trying to play every game can start to feel impossible. There simply isn't enough time in the day to complete the newest AAA release, do all the horrendous adult tasks like cleaning and cooking, as well as starting your fifth playthrough of The Witcher 3 because you want to have coins tossed at you.
We are truly blessed that ever-expanding, ever-imaginative developers from studios of all sizes are producing some of the best video games around. 2019 was no different, and thankfully, the following titles are worth your time, and let you the outside world once in a while.
10. Wattam

The next game from Keita Takahashi, the creator of cult classic Katamari Damacy, was always going to be strange. Thankfully, Takahashi took all of the best bits of Katamari and gave the world the gift that is Wattam.
Players are dropped into a dark world consisting only of the mayor, a green block with a bowler hat (already a great start). You are tasked with repopulating the world by solving simple puzzles and carrying out tasks for the ever-expanding cast of bizarre characters.
The premise is simple enough but what makes Wattam magnificent are the characters that fill the world, ranging from household items to colourful poop.
Wattam oozes charm. Every little action, from the movement of characters to the puzzles that need to be solved, are beautifully thought out and leave the player feeling both accomplished and satisfied. The design is bold, but not offensively so. Wattam strikes the right balance between eccentricity and garishness to let players build a world that is genuine and sweet.
If Wattam was longer than its roughly 4 hour completion time, the repetitive nature of the gameplay would become taxing.
Instead, Wattam is a beautiful, concise and imaginative world worth exploring.