10 Awesome Boss Battles (That Tragically Never Happened)

10. Makarov - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Controversy followed Makarov since Modern Warfare 2, where he led an assault on the Zakhaev International Airport. The player was forced to walk through the airport and violently slaughter everyone inside. It was a brutal, powerful scene. Whether you are for it or against it, it was an honest look at the darker part of war. And while developers Infinity Ward allowed you to skip the scene and avoid being penalised, it was enough to cement Makarov as the most irredeemable jerk in all of gaming. Modern Warfare 2 ended without Makarov's inevitable defeat. That's okay. Modern Warfare 3, we get to do it, right? Afraid not. While you do get to see Makarov get his comeuppance, it happens in an infamous quicktime event. Correct. The most hated man in Call of Duty gets killed via a cut-scene of death. The lack of a traditional, one-on-one battle against Makarov isn't actually as bad as the others on this list. He at least gets a fitting punishment. But the limits that Infinity Ward went to in order to take your satisfying control away is somewhat less desirable.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.