10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

Take a look at these 10 free online horror games that are sure to give you a chill!

Slide in the woods
Jonny's Games

Horror games are great, whether it be the new title by a large developer or a more niche indie title. However, one drawback is often the cost involved in picking up such games. As the gaming community grows in numbers, so do the price of the games in question, which doesn't bode well for bank accounts.

Luckily, as we move into 2022, the horror game scene is thriving, with plenty of games that don't require payment or even a download! Be it evil playground equipment or a drive through 'opossum country', after reading through this list you're sure to have enough spooky games to keep you occupied. Most of which are some of the most interesting and unique horror titles you may ever play...

All titles can be found and played without download and for free on Itch.io.

10. One Last Game

We all know the simple game of checkers. Move your pieces, take your opponent's pieces... easy. One Last Game is just that, a game of checkers.

Okay well, maybe it's not just that.

One Last Game, at face value is a simple game of checkers. Graphically simple, and easy in concept, you sit opposite an opponent and play checkers with them, but something feels off. Before long, the music becomes less leisurely, and the game less fun as what sound like bombs seem to start falling outside. The lone light in the room flickers, creating periodic moments of darkness, and the impact from the explosions displaces the pieces on the board. You start to realise that the game at hand is not all that important, and that something far worse is going on outside. The game is merely a distraction.

Whilst the experience is short - roughly three minutes - and there isn't much gameplay to partake in, the sheer atmosphere of One Last Game is impressive to say the least. It turns a simple game into a genuinely gut-wrenching experience that will keep you on edge throughout the entire time you spend playing. The falling of the bombs becomes more frequent, someone starts to bang on the door to the room and the once silent and eerie tone becomes loud, aggressive and almost violent. All whilst you play One Last Game of checkers.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.