10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

9. Bitterroot

Bitterroot is a short but immensely enjoyable survival horror game that emulates the style of being on a Gameboy Colour. Mostly containing paranormal horror elements.

You play the role of a woman, who in true horror fashion, has had her car break down right next to a large creepy mansion. (I'm sure nothing will go wrong in this situation). You investigate and explore the mansion, solving puzzles and doing other run-of-the-mill survival horror tasks. As you explore this gothic manor, you come across plenty of creepy and spooky scenes, including a couple of appearances from the devil and other paranormal entities.

Whilst combat is minimal and the puzzling fairly simple, the story is captivating, as is the exploration. The manor is realised brilliantly considering the efforts to stick to a Gameboy style for the graphics, and the greyscale aspect of the game is contrasted by moments of bright red blood that really draw in the aspects of horror and further demonstrate the stylised nature of the game. Whilst not the longest of titles, it is definitely worth a play if you have a free 30 minutes and fancy a somewhat casual but still compelling horror fix.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.