10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

5. Opossum Country

Opossum Country is another title styled around the Gameboy aesthetic. It contains a compelling story with a few interesting narrative twists, and plenty of grotesque but incredibly designed characters that aid to add to the unsettling and disturbing nature of the game.

You play as a pizza delivery man, simply going about his job, tasked with making a delivery to a trailer park. Pretty simple, right? Deliver the pizza and leave, game complete? Not quite. As you enter the trailer park you discover that the residents aren't exactly your everyday people, and instead, a lot of them are rather odd-looking, and even stranger when you get talking to them. All of the residents seem to be led by a character known as Bill, and none of them "take kindly to strangers" (nor even ordered a pizza!). Not only this, but a woman appears to need rescuing from this trailer park, and you set about doing just that.

The game is pretty short, and will only require one playthrough; this does not take away from the experience though, and instead adds to the charm of the game being just a short narrative adventure. Character designs are very well done and the overall tone of the game is masterfully crafted to be unsettling and intriguing.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.