10 Awesome Free Horror Video Games You Can Play Online

6. Flesh, Blood & Concrete

Flesh, Blood & Concrete is an incredibly interesting title. It is a point and click RPG, with multiple endings and elements of disturbing physical horror as well as psychological horror. All of which are used to convey subtle themes of death and psychological trauma. These aspects take the form of creepy imagery or the well-constructed dialogue between the protagonist and supporting characters.

You play as Lera, a man who ends up in an unusual town, seeking fuel for his car. The town appears to be home to several apartment blocks and some less than friendly residents who tell Lera to leave when he is understandably shocked to see a corpse laying next to them. As you venture forward through the game, you meet a young girl called Nika who is dressed in clothes that are described to be 'not of this time period'. You find out she lives in one of these apartment blocks, heating up soup and jumping on beds, blissfully unaware that the walls of the rooms are covered in viscera and that the structure of the building is definitely not up to regulation. Further interactions only serve to increase the intrigue regarding mysterious nature of Nika and the apartment block she resides in.

It's difficult to explain further without spoiling many of the genuine intriguing and even touching moments that the game has to offer. So basically, go play it.


Hi, I'm Morgan. Fan of all things Games, Film, TV, Comics and just about anything else you can think of.