10 Awesome Games With Terrible Voice Acting

1. House of the Dead 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftc_Pbhb3IE And yet, even the iconic awfulness of Resident Evil cannot top House of the Dead 2 for the worst voice acting performed in a great game. From that opening line from the series' big bad, Goldman, as he soullessly states, "Dogs of the AMS...time they made a move", it's pretty clear what we're going to be in for. It's a fantastically fun game that I still use an excuse to break out my Dreamcast every so often, and it managed to overtake Time Crisis as the premiere light-gun series by its second title. However, as fun as it was, the game was sullied by some absolutely ridiculous translation issues, meaning that even if the voice acting was good - it universally isn't - then the actors wouldn't have much to work with. Perhaps the most ludicrous piece of translation is if the enemies start getting close, the female member of your team will shout "Don't come! Don't come!", a non-sensical phrase that's going to have many of our inner frat-boys giggling. Still, it's Goldman who gets the lion's share of the criticism, because the line readings are the worst that any video game has ever produced; there's so little enthusiasm that it's as though the developers were running low on cash, so ran his lines through Microsoft Voice or something. In fact, these days, Microsoft's Voice component would actually seem more lively than Goldman! Absurd. What voice acting do you find especially bad? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.