10 Awesome Horror Games Set In One Location

1. River Fields Mortuary - The Mortuary Assistant (2022)

still wakes the deep

Out of all the possible horror settings, there’s no place that’s creepier than a mortuary. Although death is a prominent part of the genre, the clinical approach to handling corpses there manages to make the concept of death even more unsettling.

However, it’s not the bodies that players need to worry about in The Mortuary Assistant. It’s the vicious demon lurking within the building that makes River Fields Mortuary such an undesirable place to be.

Playing as newly hired mortuary assistant Rebecca, this title sees them arrive at their new place of work to start their first night shift. With a storm blowing outside establishing the oppressive atmosphere, events take a sinister turn when their boss arrives to tell them that they've been possessed by a demon. To sever the entity’s connection, players need to discover its name and determine which of the bodies in the morgue that it's latched on to, all while completing their work duties.

By gradually tightening the suspense with disturbing happenings and impeccable sound design, it doesn’t take long for this game to get under the player’s skin.

Trapping horror fans within the confines of demonic mortuary, The Mortuary Assistant is nothing less than downright petrifying. 


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.