10 Awesome Horror Games Set In One Location

2. The Hallway - P.T. (2014)

still wakes the deep

One thing that horror is exceptionally good at is taking locations that feel familiar and twisting them into something far more malicious. This is why family homes are the perfect setting for all things horror, with the characters becoming vulnerable in the place where they're supposed to feel the safest.

Whether it’s a home invasion or supernatural happenings, it’s usually the entire house that’s used as the location. However, all that iconic Silent Hills teaser P.T. needed to terrifying horror fans out of their minds was a single hallway that repeated on a loop.

Setting the scene with a disturbing radio broadcast about a man who violently murdered their family, there’s already a disquieting atmosphere about this domestic environment before things get truly unsettling, and it doesn’t take long for that to happen.

After walking through the loop a handful of times, the hallway starts to change. The door that’s usually open becomes locked, a crying baby can be heard in the bathroom, and the scariest of all, the ghost of a woman frequently appears in some of this game’s most heart-pounding moments.

Although Silent Hills' cancelation is still seen as a tragedy, the terror of P.T. lingers on for all those who experienced it.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.