10 Awesome Horror Games Set In One Location

3. The Bunker - Amnesia: The Bunker (2023)

still wakes the deep
Frictional Games

Although the menacing Brennenburg Castle from Amnesia: The Dark Descent was instrumental in establishing that game as one of the most frightening experiences of its time, that imposing gothic structure was a walk in the park compared to the titular bunker form 2023’s Amnesia: The Bunker.

Set during The First World War, The Bunker sees players take on the role of French soldier Henri Clément as he wakes up in an eerily deserted bunker. With its claustrophobic and darkened hallways alongside the frequent rumbles of the ongoing shelling overhead, Frictional Games have created a tremendously unsettling atmosphere that captures players’ terror from the outset.

Even scarier, though, is the monstrous creature that stalks Henri throughout their time in the subterranean tunnels. Responding to noise and preferring to emerge from its hiding places when the lights go out, players must move as quietly as possible to survive. Moreover, making the most out of every resource they can find is also vital, especially the precious fuel needed to keep the lights on.

Even though memorising the layout of each section doesn’t take long, the randomised placement of items and the unpredictable behaviour of the beast ensures that no two stays in this underground nightmare are the same.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.