10 Awesome Indie Games You Need To Play Immediately

8. Everyday Shooter


Everyday Shooter was one of the first games I downloaded on the PS3. It is a modern take on musical shooters such as Rez which featured gameplay similar to classics like Galaga. While a game like Galaga was more of a top down shooter, Everyday Shooter€™s minimalistic design had you play as a square dot who had the entire screen to maneuver; similar to Geometry Wars. Like the former, it utilized simplistic dual stick shooting and maneuvering mechanics (which are always easy on the thumbs).

As you hit or defeated enemies, various guitar notes and riffs resonate in conjunction with the game€™s eclectic soundtrack; which was one of the most standout components of the game. Each of the eight levels increased with difficulty and featured bosses that you couldn€™t imagine unless you were hallucinating. With a nice collection of modes to unlock once you€™ve completed the game, Everyday Shooter is a must play.

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Anthony is an avid gamer and independent film maker who thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the video game and film industries.