10 Awesome Old-School Video Games That Deserve HD Remakes

9. Battletoads

Before the Dark Souls series became the current definition of a game that is controller-smashingly difficult, Battletoads held that crown. And boy did it wear it with pride. Not only was the game uncompromisingly hard (that Turbo Tunnel level is stuff of nightmares), but it was also quirky (the player character is a toad that could kick your ass), filled with over-the-top action, and strangely addictive. After laying dormant for years whilst Dark Souls came in and stole the 'most difficult game ever' crown away, now is the time for Battletoads to make a HD comeback. With gamers seemingly wanting more emphasis on game difficulty and less 'watching instead of playing', Battletoads is primed to fulfill those gamer wants quite nicely. And then there's the prospect of seeing a new 3D side-scrolling reinterpretation of what was considered one of the NES' best looking and sounding games. Difficult and beautiful, just the way gamers want it. If a HD remake of Battletoads should ever happen and the Turbo Tunnel level makes an appearance, the entire Dark Souls franchise would be easier than a walk in the park.
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