10 Awesome Old-School Video Games That Deserve HD Remakes

7. The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening

The Legend of Zelda series have had quite a lot of attention on it in recent years due to Nintendo's decision to remake Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and most recently, a sequel to A Link to the Past in the form of A Link Between Worlds. Whilst those remakes (and sequel) were awesome, it feels like Nintendo missed a trick by not delving deeper into their vast and high quality catalogue. With so many high quality Zelda titles out there, Link's Awakening feels like a bit of a forgotten gem. Starting out initially as an unsanctioned port of A Link to the Past, it was decided that the game be retooled as an original title. This initial, unrestrained side-project approach helped to distinguish Link's Awakening from all other Zelda titles as the game was purposely tailored to be its own entity that is free from the usual Zelda, Ganondorf, and triforce tropes whilst still fitting within the Zelda canon. It is this lack of Hyrule, Zelda, Ganondorf, and the triforce that will set a potential HD remake apart and free up the game to explore fresh and exciting new narrative and gameplay ideas. A remake will be like how Fallout New Vegas was to the Fallout canon: still fits in the timeline, but it is it's own awesome little side adventure.
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