10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

2. Little Sisters - BioShock

2K Games

The big dilemma throughout BioShock is whether players should harvest or save the many Little Sisters strewn throughout the underwater city of Rapture.

Both actions have their ups and downs, yet for those who willingly harvest - that is, kill - the Little Sisters, they'll be rewarded with more ADAM. 

Because this allows you to upgrade yourself quickly, it makes the earlier stages of the game much easier to get through than if you go the explicitly humanitarian route.

Saving the Little Sisters will meanwhile net you less ADAM and make the earlier levels harder, though you'll receive gifts for every three of them you rescue, and this will also allow you to see the game's happier ending.

Fans have their individual preferences for which route is "best," but if you're looking for a breezy time in BioShock's early going, there's really only one answer here, if you can bring yourself to do it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.