10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

3. Dahlia Tal - Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow


In Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow's Jerusalem mission, you'll eventually meet up with Dahlia Tal, an undercover agent of the Israeli secret police Shin Bet, who promises to lead protagonist Sam Fisher to an underground research facility operated by terrorists.

Dahlia indeed leads Fisher there, at which point Fisher's handler Lambert urges him to kill Dahlia before she disappears. Here players are given the choice of whether to swiftly cap Dahlia or not, and if they do so, they'll basically make life much easier for themselves.

You see, if you spare Dahlia or don't act quickly enough, she'll show up in the final area of the level with a number of tricky snipers who have their designs on you. 

Conversely if you kill Dahlia, the final area will be patrolled by a few easily dispatched cops, making it far simpler to reach the end in one piece.

Yet for many players, they'll likely not find moral justification in killing Dahlia - a character who just helped you out big time - and so have to endure a tougher end to the mission.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.