10 Awesome Video Game Boss Fights You Can Accidentally Skip

7. Laura - The Evil Within

evil within 2
Bethesda Softworks

For those of us out there with an iron-will and plenty of spare underwear, The Evil Within series offers some of the best bosses that horror gaming has to offer, with the most relentless of the bunch being the contorted mess that is Laura.

Appearing several times throughout both games, she's seemingly impervious to bullets and anything that you throw at her has little-to-no effect, so most players opted to simply run away from her, thinking that is what you're supposed to do.

It turns out, however, that by running away you're missing out on one of the game's best and toughest bosses.

Similar to Resident Evil's Nemesis, you can take her on, turning what was another tense chase segment into a full-on boss battle. Be warned though, because she is one tough cookie. Her health pool is insanely large and her teleportation abilities allow her to cover great distances in no time at all. With enough ammo, skill, and luck you can defeat her but it won't be an easy battle.

You're going to need an awful lot of Shotgun, Magnum or Rocket Launcher ammo if you want to stand any chance to making it out alive.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.