10 Awesome Video Game Features We Can't Believe Got Cancelled

7. Create Your Own Bonfire - Dark Souls III

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Bonfires are one of the cornerstones of the Dark Souls series, serving as checkpoints for players to save their progress ahead of the next inevitably insurmountable hurdle.

Their placement is integral to pacing and difficulty, but as discovered by a fan who played an alpha version of Dark Souls III, it was originally set to include a game-changing feature where players could use enemy corpses to create their own bonfires.

In effect, you could generate checkpoints wherever you wanted - with some caveats, we can assume - that best suited your goals and play-style, while cutting down on pesky, repetitive backtracking.

While it absolutely would've proven divisive with more purist Dark Souls players, bespoke bonfires also had the potential to introduce an entirely new layer of strategy with players having to figure where to place their presumably limited number of bonfires.

The feature was killed before the game came to retail, clearly, though some fans remain hopeful that the mechanic could be incorporated into FromSoftware's upcoming action-RPG Elden Ring.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.