10 Awesome Video Game Features We Can't Believe Got Cancelled

6. Six-Star Wanted Level - Grand Theft Auto V

cyberpunk 2077

Just as bonfires are a pivotal foundation of Dark Souls, the wanted star level system is an inextricable facet of Grand Theft Auto's loony sandbox gameplay.

Bizarrely, though, GTA V did away with the series' customary six-star wanted level, which in previous games saw the police basically going completely feral as they single-mindedly chased you down with no regard for collateral damage whatsoever.

Fans immediately noted that GTA V's five-star wanted level felt rather neutered compared to prior six-star levels, given that the military are never activated and the police don't even attempt drive-bys on you. Awful.

The year after the game's release, players dove into GTA V's code and found plans for a sixth star, though fans have had to rely on six-star mods to enjoy an elevated level of aggression from the authorities.

Rockstar have never offered up a reason for the feature's removal, though hopefully given the considerable fan outcry it could be restored for the apparently upcoming GTA VI.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.