10 Awesome Video Game Features We Can't Believe Got Cancelled
6. Six-Star Wanted Level - Grand Theft Auto V
Just as bonfires are a pivotal foundation of Dark Souls, the wanted star level system is an inextricable facet of Grand Theft Auto's loony sandbox gameplay.
Bizarrely, though, GTA V did away with the series' customary six-star wanted level, which in previous games saw the police basically going completely feral as they single-mindedly chased you down with no regard for collateral damage whatsoever.
Fans immediately noted that GTA V's five-star wanted level felt rather neutered compared to prior six-star levels, given that the military are never activated and the police don't even attempt drive-bys on you. Awful.
The year after the game's release, players dove into GTA V's code and found plans for a sixth star, though fans have had to rely on six-star mods to enjoy an elevated level of aggression from the authorities.
Rockstar have never offered up a reason for the feature's removal, though hopefully given the considerable fan outcry it could be restored for the apparently upcoming GTA VI.