10 Awesome Video Game Levels Nobody Remembers

7. Phendrana Drifts - Metroid Prime

Phendrana Drifts - Metroid Prime

There’s a lot to love about the Metroid franchise and Metroid Prime was a, well, prime example of the series at its very best even though it was a serious departure as it stepped out to take on the third dimension on Gamecube.

Since Metroid as a franchise has so many incredible levels, some of its best are bound to get lost in the noise so we’re dedicating this entry to Phendrana Drifts.

Accompanied by some of the best music in the franchise, and honestly probably gaming history, this level has it all. The vibes and snowy environment are immaculate, you get space jump boots, the threat of Ridley looming and the encounters throughout the level all make this one an absolute blast. It’s enormously refreshing to explore the relatively peaceful landscape after the intensity of Magmoor Cavern, not to mention just the change of pace in being outside.

If you haven’t ever had the pleasure or you’re getting a nostalgia rush remembering this one right now, go do yourself a favour and at least listen to the soundtrack.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.