10 Awesome Video Game Villains That Only Appeared ONCE

7. The Allied Mastercomputer - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

assassin's creed iii 3 haytham kenway

In this adaptation of Harold Ellison's short story, the Allied Mastercomputer (or "AM") has decimated the world, killing all but five members of humanity. Due to AM's boundless hatred and sadistic nature, the artificial intelligence concocts ethical dilemmas for the survivors to endlessly torture them.

It's a bold claim but there might not be a villain in video games that detests humans more than AM. For a century, the evil supercomputer has forced his unwilling test subjects to take part in scenarios reflecting the worst of humanity, including murder, war, and genocide. For this reason, it's pretty much impossible to play I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream without getting depressed.

What makes the Allied Mastercomputer so scary is the fact his form is inconceivable. Rather than looking like a conventional robot, the malevolent machine is composed of circuits and wires that extend for millions of miles across the world.

Even though AM has no true face, he is in every crevasse of the Earth and monitoring his slaves' every move, constantly devising new ways to inflict unimaginable pain on them.


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