10 Awesome Video Game Villains Who Deserve Their Own Title

2. Captain LeChuck - Monkey Island

If you were to pick one character responsible for making the Monkey Island series great, you'd have to go with LeChuck. Sure, the gawky Guybrush has some good lines, but LeChuck is just a joyous bundle of colourful, villainous energy who always steals the scene when he appears. So how about an adventure game in which you get to sail the seven seas with LeChuck aboard his ghost ship, or even looking at his life leading up to his death - when he set out on that fateful exhibition to Monkey Island in a bid to impress Elaine Marley, but died on the way. The gameplay would need to be an evolution on the outdated point-and-click formula of the old Monkey Island games. The focus would still be on witty dialogue and some puzzle-solving, but if there's one good thing that we learned from Assassin's Creed in recent years, it's that recruiting a pirate crew and having sea battles is really fun, so any hypothetical 'Adventures of LeChuck' game would need to have some of that. Moving away from the traditional adventure game route, the game could alternatively be a Telltale-style dialogue-driven affair... unless everyone's bored of those types of games now, having clocked on to their whole 'illusion of choice' shtick.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.