10 Awesome Video Games Ruined By TWO Terrible Mechanics

9. BT Encounters & Soothing BB - Death Stranding

death stranding bb
Kojima Productions

Hideo Kojima's delivery-man simulator Death Stranding is one of the most fiercely unique AAA video games ever made.

Uncharacteristically for its creator, the game places far less of an emphasis on both stealth and action than his Metal Gear Solid franchise, instead centering gameplay around tricky traversal with occasional stealth-action elements.

And yet, there's such an oddly addictive, comforting pull to the package-delivery loop that it's actually kind of a shame when you're thrust into more conventional action game scenarios whenever the otherworldly creatures known as "BTs" show up.

You're free to either take on the BTs upfront or stealthily avoid them, but whatever your method, these encounters get old pretty fast, especially when they interrupt an otherwise serene, relaxing trek from point A to point B.

It's strange to say this in a Kojima game of all things, but for many, Death Stranding would be better if it had no stealth or combat to deal with whatsoever.

Secondly, there's the wildly frustrating requirement for players to sooth their bridge baby, BB-28, whenever it becomes stressed by the player's actions (such as falling over or getting attacked).

When BB cries, players need to find a safe spot, enter first-person view, and on PlayStation consoles rock the controller back and forth to settle BB down.

While it's amusing and maybe even cute the first few times you do it, it quickly becomes exasperating, because who wants to hear a baby wailing through their controller when they're trying to unwind?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.