10 Awesome Video Games Ruined By TWO Terrible Mechanics

8. Hacking & Camera Research - BioShock

death stranding bb

BioShock is a ground-breaking FPS for many reasons, and for as many creative mechanics as it makes ingenious use of, it also touts two dead-on-arrival features that just about everybody hates.

First off, there's the wretched hacking mini-game, which forced players to complete a series of plumbing tile puzzles. They're not fun, they're just boring and time-consuming, though at least rarely mandatory.

Then there's the Research Camera, which players could use to gain research points and level up their research trees, gaining permanent damage boosts to certain enemies, permanent stat increases, and so on.

As such, the camera incentivised players to initiate combat encounters with the camera in tow in order to score maximum research points.

It's a neat idea, but ultimately a chore for players who want to just kill enemies without having to swap between the camera and their weapon of choice. Instead, it made them feel like they were missing out on an easy advantage if they didn't use the camera.

Curiously, both of these mechanics were also included in BioShock 2 but given significant reworkings which made them a more integral part of the game and, dare one say, actually fun.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.