10 Awesome Video Games Ruined By TWO Terrible Mechanics

7. Draw & Junction Systems - Final Fantasy VIII

death stranding bb
Square Enix

Final Fantasy VIII may be one of the most divisive entries into the hit RPG franchise, but by typical standards it's still an outstanding game - albeit one that tries its damnedest to make you think otherwise.

The game includes a number of radical revisions to the series' formula, most obviously with the introduction of two new arcane, unwieldy gameplay systems.

The Draw mechanic requires players to obtain spells by "drawing" them from enemies and stocking them like any typical item.

In the case of more powerful spells, you may have extremely limited opportunities throughout the game to acquire them. It's the worst kind of mechanic - unintuitive and a time-consuming bore.

In addition, there's the controversial Junction system, which allows you to assign stocked magic to stats, giving yourself a potentially massive stat boost in the process.

However, the Junction mechanic is extremely poorly explained by the game's early bombardment of verbose and dry-as-sawdust tutorials, ensuring many younger players had no idea what the hell they were doing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.