10 Awesome Video Games That Are Terrible Now

7. GoldenEye (N64)

Metal Gear Solid Phantom pain idroid

Proximity mines. Slappers only. Golden gun mode. "No Oddjob"... all the memories are there. But sadly, that's where they should stay.

For you see, whilst GoldenEye might have been the greatest thing since sliced bread (at least in the FPS for the Nintendo 64 category) many years ago, it has aged terribly. Well, like a loaf of sliced bread, funnily enough.

The N64 controller alone is a torturous beast to wield, let alone get your head around the shooting mechanic. So you move with the thumbstick and strafe with the C buttons (the yellow directional keys), but if you want to aim you hold the R bumper and thumbstick... whilst using C down to crouch. It was a logistical nightmare, but we somehow managed it. Nowadays it'd be about as intuitive as a Power Glove.

Honestly, try and have a multiplayer match with your mates now. You'll spend the first game trying to remember how to swap weapons, or what button opens doors, or you'll get fed up with the insane amounts of lag.

All of that in a local multiplayer game, too.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.