10 Awesome Video Games That Are Terrible Now

6. Resident Evil 4

Metal Gear Solid Phantom pain idroid

Way back before Tomb Raider did it, or even Syndicate threw their hat in (and missed) with a reboot, Resident Evil was already ahead of the curve back in 2005. At the time, it was phenomenal! It turned the whole fixed camera, tank-controlled world of Resi we all knew so well completely on its head. It brought in a new era of survival horror games in its wake.

Which, I suppose, also became its downfall.

For whilst it may have been revolutionary at the time, we've had better examples of horror since. Dead Space gave us gory scares, whilst The Evil Within gave us the dark and foreboding terror. Looking back at RE4, it gave us a [mostly] brightly lit action game until the thinly disguised veil of horror.

What doesn't help is the constant porting of it, either. The more it gets "HD'd and remastered", the brighter it becomes. It doesn't help a fifteen year old game, that's for sure. Looking back, neither does tying the aiming to the movement stick, and let's not get started on those Ashley escort missions.

Still, it's better than Resident Evil 6.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.