10 Awesome Video Games That Are Terrible Now

5. Sonic Adventure

Metal Gear Solid Phantom pain idroid

It's so very, very easy to drag Sonic '06 through the ringer because of how bloody awful it is. But no one ever really remembers just how craptastic Sonic's first proper transition was back on the Dreamcast. Even more unbelievably, it went on to sell two and a half million copies (which is surprising, as I wouldn't have pictured that many people owning Dreamcasts...).

I was twelve when it came out and as a lad, fresh off the excitement of the whole Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles saga, I lapped it up. Did my young mind know what glitches and bugs and insanely terrible dialogue (complete with awful lip syncing) were at the time? Not at all, it was a new Sonic game!

Yet now, with the keen eye and jaded cynicism that comes with age and a lot of bad videogames since, it's bloody awful! The 2006 version holds nothing on how badly this plays, so much so it's almost like they used it as a reference.

It's no surprising the Director's Cut versions reviewed badly: the smoke and mirrors had been removed and we all saw how bad it was.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.