10 Awesome Video Games You Can't Play Anymore

9. 1 Vs. 100

black and white
Microsoft Game Studios

1 vs. 100 may not have had a long life, but it sure is one of the most memorable games ever released for the Xbox 360.

This free-to-play massively multiplayer online game - based on the NBC game show of the same name - felt hugely innovative in 2009.

Following a similar format to the game show, one player would compete against 100 others in a quiz show format, with rewards such as Microsoft Points and Xbox Live Arcade games for those who made it to the end without answering incorrectly.

The game proved phenomenally successful right out of the gate, with Microsoft even claiming that one free-play session saw more than 114,000 people simultaneously playing together.

Sadly the game only lasted a few months before Microsoft pulled the plug for unspecified reasons, with some speculating that they failed to secure interested advertisers to fund the game in an ongoing capacity.

All the same, 1 vs. 100 was such a lightning-in-a-bottle time capsule moment for Xbox and indeed gaming as a whole, and in light of the storming recent success of community-centric quiz games like HQ Trivia, it's tough not to see it as wildly ahead of the curve.

Yet gaming insider Jeff Grubb claimed in late 2021 that Microsoft was exploring a revival of the game, and honestly, doesn't that just sound like an amazing fit for Xbox Game Pass?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.