10 Awesome Video Games You've Missed In 2020 (So Far)

9. Kentucky Route Zero: The Complete Season

Maneater Game
Cardboard Computer

Cardboard Computer's surreal episodic point-and-click series Kentucky Route Zero began all the way back in 2013, and only this past January was its fifth and final act released to fans, placing a jaw-dropping capper on one of the most unique video game experiences of the last decade.

The game follows a truck driver named Conway as he attempts to make a delivery, sending him on a path across Kentucky's Route Zero which is, well, quite unlike anything else you've ever seen in a game.

Spoiling what it has in store would be criminal, but it's plainly evident that the game's creators were deeply inspired by the works of David Lynch, opting for a disarmingly surreal, ambiguous approach to storytelling that's wide-open to interpretation.

With incredible diversity across its five short volumes, it's a visually stunning and constantly surprising adventure that's sure to embed itself deep in players' brains forever more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.