10 Awesome Video Games You've Missed In 2020 (So Far)

7. Streets Of Rage 4

Maneater Game

In the belated sequel stakes, there are few games capable of beating Streets of Rage 4, which was released earlier this year some 26 years after the third entry into the side-scrolling beat 'em up series first hit shelves.

And despite how much the industry has changed in two-and-a-half decades, developers Dotemu, Lizardcube, and Guard Crush Games have successfully made this a faithful follow-up which nevertheless gives the franchise a new lick of paint.

As much as the visuals and combat have been amped-up, this is an undeniably nostalgia-soaked experience which aims to deliver the basic goods above all else. There's no great attempt to give the series a meaningful story in any way, and that's exactly the way most fans like it.

The result is a game which straddles itself between two distinct gaming eras, and despite the potential awkwardness this invites, it works spectacularly well.

Fans of the old games will love it, but it's still accessible enough to newbies, and as is vitally important right now, it also supports online co-op play.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.