10 Awesome Video Games You've Missed In 2020 (So Far)

2. Maneater

Maneater Game
Tripwire Interactive

If one of the best things about video games is their escapist potential, then who could possibly resist Maneater, a rarest of RPGs in which the protagonist isn't in the least bit humanoid, but actually a shark.

This impossibly tongue-in-cheek, ultra-violent game from Tripwire Interactive allows players to play as a shark from their defenseless immature stage all the way to an armoured, unstoppable adult, munching humans and marine life alike along the way.

Though relatively low on difficulty, Maneater's core loop - of completing GTA-style objectives while upgrading your shark - is fiendishly addictive for all of the 8-ish hours it'll last you, and hilarious to boot.

Sure, it has its janky moments and is hardly a complex experience for your money, but chewing up the obnoxious locals is ludicrously entertaining, and in the madness of 2020, a shark-RPG honestly seems like a pretty sane choice.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.