10 Awesome Ways Video Games Got Back At Critics

2. New Dante Trolls Haters By Teasing His Old Look - DmC: Devil May Cry

DMC Dante

It cannot be understated how thoroughly upset fans and critics alike were when Capcom confirmed that not only was the fifth main Devil May Cry game a reboot, but that protagonist Dante had been redesigned, with an "edgier" style which was cynically intended to make the franchise more appealing to younger players.

An evidently frustrated Capcom decided to make fun of the relentless complainers within the game itself, by featuring an outrageously inflammatory - and some might say misguided - cutscene where the new, "emo"-style Dante ends up with a Classic Dante-esque silver wig flung on top of his head during a boss fight at a carnival.

After pausing for a moment, Dante literally stares at the camera and says, "Not in a million years," before ripping the wig off and getting back to business.

Given that DmC was actually a totally solid game on its own merits, this was certainly a justifiable - if ballsy - way to fire shots at all the pre-release complaints.

Granted, Dante did end up with the classic silver hair by game's end, and DmC's commercial failure eventually led to classic Dante's return anyway in Devil May Cry 5, so perhaps the critics ultimately got the last laugh.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.