10 Awesome Xbox 360 Games You Probably Missed

Lost Odyssey

Just hours ago, Microsoft finally announced the November 22nd release date for the Xbox One, and with that comes a more certain degree of finality, that this whole next-gen thing really is happening, and it's not very long away at all. However, as we all look to put away our Xbox 360s in the coming months, it's important to remember that there are still plenty of classic games in the 360's back catalogue worth seeking out, and while GTA V will be taking up much of the next 2 months for many gamers, it's worth taking a breather to check these 10 games out. The only qualification for each is that they must be an Xbox 360 exclusive - they can't even be on PC - and that they must have been overlooked by gamers at large, despite generally good reviews. Here are 10 awesome Xbox 360 games you probably missed...

10. The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai (XBLA)

Dishwasher Dead Samurai The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai revolves around a dishwasher (duh) who has to fight through hordes of zombie and robot enemies, kitted out with nothing more than a meat cleaver, and slowly amassing a more deadly arsenal (including a katana, guns and a chainsaw) as the enemies too become more cumbersome. Extra points are awarded for chained attacks, as well as performing awesome finishing moves on weakened foes. Hell, there's even interactivity with the Guitar Hero and Rock Band peripherals by way of a guitar mini-game; all this from one guy without any professional video game programming experience. Amazing. Dead Samurai quickly became the toast of the XBLA platform upon release, praised for its quirky art style, intelligently-designed levels, and surprising level of depth as far as the storyline goes. It is, above all else, a true credit to the XBLA label.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.