10 Awesomely Unconventional Ways People Beat Video Games

2. Blind Skull Forces Players To Complete Halo 2 With No HUD & Invisible Arms

Halo 3 Skulls are one of the infamous mainstays in the more recent Halo games, special pick-ups which essentially make the game a whole lot more difficult on the whole. The one that peeves me off the post without question has to be the Blind Skull, which not only gets rid of your HUD, but also your arms, meaning that there's no visual signifier as to what weapon you're holding. In order to identify the weapon, you have to either stare at the shadow, try to figure it out from speedily swapping between weapons, or just fire the damn thing and hope you're not holding the Needler while facing off against an Elite. Playing the game like this on higher difficulties is absolute suicide; your situational awareness ironically becomes considerably more limited even though the screen is less cluttered than ever before. Still, if you've ploughed through every conceivable difficulty level, perhaps this could be another controller-smashing challenge for the books.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.