10 Awful Plot Twists That Completely Ruined Great Games

2. Halo 2: Master Chief Finishes The Fight...Sometime Later

You may have heard of this one. Halo 2 is interesting in that it has two pretty big twists. The first is that it does the Metal Gear Solid 2 thing where you expect to be one specific character for the entirety of the game, then get shoehorned into playing as another, different, less cool character. For whatever reason, game developers continue to think this is a good idea despite the fact it has never worked, ever, in the history of everything ever. Considering Halo's relatively complex plot - across books, comics, and various websites, adding a second character was not the thing Halo needed to make its story digestible. But the twist that ultimately 'ruined' the game and left the bad taste in the mouth of pretty much everyone with a mouth is how the ending of the game felt like the start of the final level. With Chief's "I'm Finishing The Fight", then smash-cut to black, players couldn't help but feel they got jobbed out of, well, finishing the fight. This would be like ending The Avengers on "Hulk...Smash!". It's a cool moment, but unless that moment delivers something awesome after it, it's a tease. Obviously Halo's reputation wasn't too harmed by these changes, but the scars still sting, and folks still remember the action / adventure blue balls that were the final line of Halo 2.
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Paul is a writer, video producer, gamer, lover, and tie-fighter. E-mail him at MeekinOnMovies@gmail.com.