10 Awful Video Games Based On TV Shows

4. South Park

superman 64

When it was announced that South Park’s first outing on consoles was going to be a first person shooter – as opposed to being given the standard 2D platformer treatment like so many cartoon series’ before it – and also be aimed at a mature audience, the pre release hype was excitable to say the least.

Released in 1999, at a time when the show was in its early seasons, players were greeted with a game that didn’t meet expectations. Story wise, it’s as daft as you’d hope a South Park story to be – clones, mutant turkeys, robots, and aliens have taken over the town – but it was the gameplay that let this title down. Everything from the shooting mechanics to the Goldeneye-esque head-to-head mode suffering from a lack of options meant that both critics and gamers took aim.

Throw in reptitive audio clips and a vast difference in graphics between the PlayStation and N64 versions and it wasn’t too long before South Park was adorning many a worst game of the year lists.

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Shaun is a former contributor for a number of Future Publishing titles and more recently worked as a staffer at Imagine Publishing. He can now be found banking in the daytime and writing a variety of articles for What Culture, namely around his favourite topics of film, retro gaming, music, TV and, when he's feeling clever, literature.