10 Bad Video Game Decisions You Didn't Understand Until It Was Too Late

8. Refusing To Choose - Fable III

Metal Gear Solid torture

Fable III wastes no time at all in saddling players with an absolutely horrible, agonising choice, when their older brother Logan - the seemingly tyrannical king of Albion - forces them to choose between executing their love interest or the leaders of the protest against Logan's corrupt rule.

Now, from a purely utilitarian perspective, condemning a single person to death over several people makes a crude amount of sense, but what about the extra option of just... not making a choice?

Players might decide they want to stick two fingers up at their brother and refuse to take part in his cruel game, but such defiance ultimately ends up having a far bleaker cost than the other two options.

If you put the controller down and refuse to decide, Logan will respond by just straight-up killing everyone on both sides of the gambit, because he's that special kind of a**hole.

If you hoped that your act of non-participation might force Logan to see the error of his ways, welp, you'd be dead wrong.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.