10 Bad Video Games With ONE Great Level
6. Crisis City - Sonic '06

Oh Sonic '06. Lord knows this ramshackle beast has suffered humiliation on probably hundreds of "Top 10 Worst" lists over the years. For once though, I think the battered old dog finally deserves some praise. Muffled, patronising, slightly back-handed praise - but praise nonetheless.
In a game that is bursting with content that is poorly designed, poorly controlled, glitchy, ugly, and outright broken, one segment miraculously stands above the rest: Crisis City. For whatever reason, the game that Sonic '06 was supposed to be - a rejuvenation of the lagging 3D Sonic games and return to the halcyon days of Sonic Adventure for the Sega Dreamcast - all ended up in this one level.
While mostly devoid of exploration elements, Crisis City serves almost as a tech demo for the game that could have been. We control Sonic on a downward race course full of running, jumping and grinding - keeping ahead of crumbling roadways, falling debris, and so much fire - while bouncing between enemies pinball-like just as we did in good ol' 1998. It's fun! It's good! It works!
Seriously though, why is this the only functioning part of the game?