10 Badass Gaming Heroines That Could Have The Men For Breakfast

10. Chun-Li

If you were to ask someone to name a strong female character today there is a very large variety of options for them to pick from. Pre-1996 that list was almost non-existent. It is remarkable, therefore, that there are few popular female characters in gaming that come to mind as fast as Chun-Li and that she is over twenty years old. First appearing in Street Fighter II in 1991, she's one of the most iconic characters from the definitive fighting game of the 16-bit generation. Chun-Li is an undercover Interpol agent that gets involved in fighting to gain revenge for the death of her father who died at the hands of the game's final boss, M.Bison. In game Chun-Li was never inferior to the men. A well-balanced character to play as, she quickly became gaming's First Lady by being the first prominent female character to fight equally alongside the men instead of being a damsel in distress or a prize. Not only did she go toe to toe with the male boxers, ninjas and wrestlers but, with her trademark Lightning Kick and Spinning Bird Kick, she literally kicked their asses while wearing a dress. She is an undisputed icon in the history of gaming.
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I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.