10 Most Badass Moments From The Metal Gear Series (So Far)

1. Solid Snake Vs. Liquid Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 4)

Another supreme boss fight from Kojima and Co. and possibly the greatest moment in Metal Gear history - not because of the fight itself, which actually employs a rather basic tactic that boiled down to nothing more than a fistfight atop Outer Haven. But that didn't matter one bit; this was a fight 20 years in the making and it lived up to all expectations. The best aspect of this fight was the fact that it felt like the perfect way to end Snake's story. We are first treated to a cutscene of Liquid and Solid fighting, before it seamlessly transitions into actual gameplay. There are four stages to the fight, each backed up by its own piece of iconic Metal Gear music, with the best being the Bond influenced theme to MGS3. As the battle progresses, Liquid mixes up his fighting style to echo those of previous incarnations, whilst glimpses of the older games flash before your eyes, with Snake finally taking him down at the end. It is a very long fight but is justified because of the time you have already invested in Snake's story; with the little touches added throughout contributing to a feeling that this was so much more than a final boss battle - it was the end of an era and the series' most badass moment to date. These are our 10 most badass moments of the Metal Gear franchise so far. Any we have missed? Did this list make you want to play all the games over again? Let us know in the comments.

An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow