10 Badass Women In Modern Video Games

7. Chloe Frazer - Uncharted Series

Lara Croft Tomb Raider
Naughty Dog

Since debuting in Uncharted 2 back in 2009, it would be hard to imagine the series now without Chloe Frazer. This sarcastic, gorgeous, strong-willed woman has grown exponentially throughout the series, especially in her own feature The Lost Legacy.

Starting out as an almost unlikeable, self-centred anti-hero, Frazer won the hearts of any who played the series with her quick-wit and dry humour. She’s a survivor through and through, showing time again that she has what it takes to survive, even if sometimes at the detriment of others.

Remember when she suggested leaving poor Jeff to die? Throughout her time in the franchise however, she has made connections with the characters, shown a lot more humanity and grown into her own independent woman. All while still remaining true to her character.

It is hard not to love Chloe Frazer and in The Lost Legacy - after all, she has proven you don’t need Nathan Drake to make an Uncharted game.

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Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.