10 Baffling Changes Video Games Made AFTER Release

8. Replacing "Small Potatoes" With "Trivial" - Persona 5 Royal

forspoken patch

Sometimes developers make minor enough changes to a game that they probably think players won't ever notice. But of course, there's always somebody who does - and takes to social media to voice their bemusement.

Case in point, we have Persona 5 Royal, which roughly two months after its Western release released a patch that fixed a number of bugs, but also secretly altered a single line of dialogue.

Fans may remember a moment where Adechi calls Joker "spineless," and one of the three dialogue options players could make in response was, "This isn't small potatoes."

The rather goofy line quickly became something of a meme among the Persona fandom, but the aforementioned patch bafflingly altered it to instead read, "This isn't 'trivial.'"

While you can argue that the changed line better suits the serious tone of the conversation, fans had latched onto the "small potatoes" line enough at this point that changing it seemed totally unnecessary, even cruel. If players can embrace a strange eccentricity like this, then developers should too.

In fact, the change annoyed one player enough that they even created a mod that restored the original starchy one-liner to the game.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.