10 Baffling Changes Video Games Made AFTER Release

3. Changing The Drunk Man Into A Coffee Fiend - Pokémon Red & Blue

forspoken patch

In the same vein as Final Fantasy magically transforming opium into bananas, we now have this peculiar content change in Pokémon Red & Blue.

In Viridian City, players can stumble across an old man lying on a path, blocking their way forward. In the original Japanese release, the man is passed out drunk, and only after delivering a parcel to Professor Oak does he sober up, get over his hangover, and move along.

But for the Western release, the man was changed from a boozer into a caffeine abuser, as after you deliver Professor Oak's parcel, he'll explain that he was caffeine-deprived but now feels much better after getting a cup of java down him.

Even accepting how fiercely protective of their branding Nintendo of America is, it's a thoroughly daft change. One drunk man in a Pokémon game isn't going to ruin kids' lives, and even if the change had to be made, could they really not do better than making him a caffeine fiend instead? 

Even the most caffeine-dependent among us surely draws the line at just giving up and passing out in the street, right? Right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.