10 Baffling Changes Video Games Made AFTER Release
2. Changing The Final Line - Final Fantasy VII Remake

On February 26 of this year, just three days before the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Square Enix released a patch for the first game in the remake project, which fans discovered made a most peculiar change to the very final line spoken in the game.
For almost four years, the closing line spoken by Aerith was, "I miss it. The steel sky," but now the line has been changed to, "This sky... I don't like it."
Fans were immediately left baffled by such a trivial change to a scene firmly cemented in the minds of millions, and the fact that Square Enix didn't mention the change in their patch log made it all the fishier.
The consensus is that the new line lacks the punch and even basic poetry of the original, suggesting that Square Enix just didn't know when to stop tinkering with the damn thing.
Considering the time and money that had to be spent re-recording the line, it's a bizarre amount of effort to put into a change so menial - and one that fans were so predictably going to hate.