10 Beloved Cult Classic Video Games That Desperately Deserve Sequels

5. GUN


Before Red Dead Redemption, there was GUN and the Lord declared that it was good. The first real stab at an open world Western put you in Cole White’s shoes as he slung his guns through the American Old West in the year 1880.

The number of features Red Dead Redemption borrowed from GUN is unreal. You could hunt anything you wanted, engage randomly appearing bandits, play poker, herd cattle, bounty hunt, and even mine for gold – Rockstar probably should’ve been sued for how similar RDR actually is to GUN but Red Dead Revolver did arrive first so they probably called dibs on the genre.

GUN probably should’ve been the series to get the sequel greenlit and, if it had, it would’ve walked all over Red Dead Redemption despite the critical acclaim RDR has received and the mass anticipation for its forthcoming sequel. The moment that puts GUN above RDR? The public display of Hoodoo’s corpse after you put him down – ready for another round?

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.