10 Beloved Video Game Franchises Overdue A Comeback

7. Batman: Arkham

Batman Arkham
Warner Bros.

Though the most recent entry in the series, Arkham Knight, was rather underwhelming in certain areas, there is still a massive amount that could be done with this IP.

The rumours surrounding the next Arkham game have been coming in thick and fast over the past few months, with it being suggested that Rocksteady may not actually be done with the series, or even that WB Montreal (the developers of the somewhat divisive Arkham Origins) may be working on a Court of Owl centric outing. Both of which sound exciting.

Whatever the case, more Batman is a good thing, especially when talking about a series as high quality as Arkham. Now all WB need to do hurry up and actually announce something (preferably an experience that's not a multiplayer game).


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!